Saturday, June 03, 2006

FreeForm wins 3Day Wild West Ride

Wild West Ride
3 Days, 155 Miles
Rambo Bay, and Tasha, on the 3rd day of the race they found themselves with a 2 minute lead out of the last vet check with only 6 miles to the finish.
2nd place rider caught Rambo with about 1.5 miles to go to the finish on a nice uphill gravel road. Rambo, a almost 16 Hand with a 18mph trot and race track experience kept the rider at about 10 lengths all the way to the finish.
Rambo & Tasha were 2nd the first day, 4th the 2nd day and 1st the third day.
Rambo recieved fastest time for the 3 days and Best Condition
Rambo had a CRI of 40 - 40 at his BC presentation on day 3.